Three cheers for Suzanne!
As with last year, Costi Gurgu was the undisputed winner of the 16 hour write-a-thon, with a grand total of 11,068 words of new fiction (and we hate him all the more because he's writing in his second language!)
Full tallies of people's new word counts are:
- Costi: 11,068 words
- Tony: 9548 words
- Ian: 8095 words
- Mike: 7257 words
- Suzanne: 6048 words (and mind you she lost most of Saturday afternoon once the power came back on trying to gather all that farmed-out food!)
- Stefan (oh yeah, somehow during the ride over the fellas decided that my 'real' name was Stefan and thus was I known for the whole weekend...): 3104 words
- Richard: 1950 words
And now, a graphic!
Also, fun fact discovered this weekend: did you know that the 80s SF classic The Last Starfighter was actually an American remake of a German movie whose title translates as The Last Spaceman? In that movie, aliens contact the winner of a pinball game to see when he wants to start intergalactic war. True story.
Or we made it up.
One of the two.
- Stephen