
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

SWG CritQuotes

Overheard at the January 22, 2012 Stopwatch Gang critique session...

"Usually when someone says 'Johnson' it means they're uncircumcised. Did you know that?"

A: "Christmas, an orgasm, and then a big crap? One of these things just doesn't belong here."
B: "Christmas?"

"Instead of mittens, giver her a muff. Then you can say, 'She's hiding it in her muff!'"

"Lesbians? That purple chick? Lesbian stuff--that's HOT!"

A: "Some of your names bothered me. 'Nether' made me think of 'nether regions' and got my mind thinking of something else."
B: "Mittens?"

"Synch, synch a song..."

A: "It's an arcology."
B: "Oncology?"
Everyone else: "ARCOLOGY!"

"I was going to print, 'It was' in the largest possible font to fill an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and make you eat it at the meeting, the structure bothered me so much."

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