
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Going to be a panelist at World Con in Chicago!

This year’s World Science Fiction Convention is being held in Chicago and I’ve been invited to be a panelist.
Here is my schedule:

Sat Sep 1 1:30:pm
Sat Sep 1 3:00:pm
Canadian Genre Writers McCormick
What do Canadian writers offer to genre writing. Is there a unique Canadian perspective?
Cary A. Conder Mike Rimar Robert J. Sawyer Susan Forest
Sun Sep 2 12:00:pm
Sun Sep 2 1:30:pm
The Future Evolution of the Short Story
Columbus EF
What role is the short story playing in reading lives today? It used to be a proving ground in SF, is that still true? Why/not? What are our favorite venues for short stories lately? What\'s the right price point for short stories? Electronic or print? Anthology or single sale? This would be a great panel for lots of audience participation.
Barbara Galler-Smith Ellen Datlow Jacqueline Lichtenberg Marie Bilodeau Mike Rimar
Mon Sep 3 10:30:am
Mon Sep 3 11:00:am
Reading: Mike Rimar

And check out my fellow panelists!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you scored some GREAT panels, Mike!

    Wish I could be at the con.
