
Monday, November 12, 2012

Masked Mosaic Cover

Here is the new cover art for Masked Mosaic, the new anthology of Canadian-themed Superhero fiction of which my story, "A Bunny Hug for Karl" will appear.

Here is the accompanying blurb:

Thrilling Tales of Canadian Superheroes… and Villains!

75 years ago Canadian cartoonist Joe Shuster co-created the world's premier superhero: Superman. Over the decades the genre has gone from camp to counter-culture, from pop art to postmodern, from noir to new wave. Today's superheroes feature in bestselling novels, hit TV shows, Hollywood blockbusters ... and Masked Mosaic: Canadian Super Stories.

Mexican luchadores wrestle primordial evil in Vancouver … The Intrepids battle Nazis in Nova Scotia … A mysterious masked man rescues an adventuring heiress in a steampunk Gold Rush–era Yukon … Zombies and ancient Viking magic are unleashed in downtown Toronto … A godlike oracle wanders Calgary with her cyborg handler … The fearsome Iron Shadow stalks the streets of Kingstonia … The Coachwhip and Cat-Girl fight crime in lurid wartime Montreal …

In these 24 all-new tales Canada's most daring writers reimagine the super genre from its outer limits to its pulp origins, exploring the diverse landscape of Canadian identity and geography.

With stories by:

Marie Bilodeau ~ Chantal Boudreau ~ Kristi Charish ~ E.L. Chen ~ Michael S. Chong ~ Kevin Cockle ~ Emma Faraday ~ Patrick T. Goddard ~ Alyxandra Harvey ~ David Nickle ~ Silvia Moreno-Garcia ~ D.K. Latta ~ Michael Matheson ~ Derryl Murphy ~ Jonathan Olfert ~ Rhonda & Jonathan Parrish ~ David Perlmutter ~ Lisa Poh ~ Jason S. Ridler ~ Rhea Rose ~ Mike Rimar ~ Jason Sharp ~ Emma Vossen ~ A.C. Wise

Featuring an Introduction by Mark Shainblum, creator of Northguard


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